January 3, 2013

Back to life,back to reality

"Feeling good. Eating good. Living good. Loving good. Working good. Life is good. God is good. I'm good." -Mariel Haenn IMG_1033_zps2a1b4f6b My fairy tale story has now come to an end. I've had such an amazing experience in Naija!!! Over the course of 2 weeks I've visited Abuja, Asaba, Abagana(dad's village),and Ogidi(mum's village). My most cherished moment from the entire trip was my time spent with family. Its something that I've longed for, for such a long time. I've been giving deep thought to the idea of living part time in Lagos and maybe residing in the states for the other half...This trip is the perfect ending to a new beginning. Can't wait to photograph all the cool things I acquired along the way!

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