November 9, 2012

Tribal PJ's

Currently listening to the sounds of 'Street Life' by Culture as I sit here and type this post...Culture is a really dope Rastafarian group from the late '70s that I've recently been put on to. Music allows me to express my eclectic and eccentric nature and is truly the soundtrack of my life. I love what music can do for me,and how it allows me to escape back in time and live in the past. As of late my music playlist consist of P Square, Tribe, Asa, Ayo, Kanye,and KRS-One. IMG_0571 Wearing a thrifted tribal print sweater, African tribal print PJ's, and my beloved Celine shoes. All my jewelry is vintage. IMG_0569 IMG_0555 Photobucket IMG_0557


  1. Hi Erykah! I just found your blog and it is awesome. Great style! Check out mine about Fashion from the African Diaspora here:

    Can I share this picture on my blog? I will link bag to your blog of course. Xo, MsK

  2. Found your blog this morning and it is my new favourite thing!! Love your style. Loving contrast of your beautiful outfits with the abandoned buildings.

  3. I really appreciate the love and support... Thanks for checking out my blog!!!

  4. That outfit is so dope!
    Little known fact (or perhaps well-known): Culture was Bob Marley's favourite group. I saw them perform live in 2006 and I understood why.
