July 14, 2013

Movin' on Up

 It seems like the last 3 weeks of my life have flown by without me even noticing. I've been so busy with my personal life that I failed to let you guys know that I will be moving to NYC! For as long as I can remember I have always had a love affair with New York. Its something about being surrounded by different cultures and like-minded people. Since I was young, I've always felt that NYC is where I was suppose to be; sort of like that guy I was suppose to marry. I promise to keep you guys posted on my new adventures in the big city.

"Your 20's are your 'selfish' years. It's a decade to immerse yourself in anything possible. Be selfish with your time, and all aspects of you. Tinker with shit, travel, explore, love a lot, love a little, and never touch the ground."
 photo IMG_2305_zpsa0c2d460.jpg Wearing a thrifted knit skirt and bib top, Celine platforms, vintage cuff, and Prada sunglasses.  photo IMG_2316_zpsd2f65b64.jpg  photo IMG_2308_2_zpsec7916fa.jpg  photo IMG_2301_zpsc826f0f1.jpg  photo IMG_2323_zpsa6d95110.jpg  photo IMG_2317_2_zps59afc207.jpg

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