June 18, 2012

NYC x iphone

For as long as I can remember New York has always been my guilty pleasure. This might sound weird but I've always felt like we were meant to be together.... kind of like a childhood crush. This past weekend I got a chance to go visit with some old friends, eat some amazing food, and party the night away NY style!! Photobucket My friends and I had lunch at Bar 89. Its one of the coolest, low-key places in Soho with really neat murals and paintings on the wall... ny2 The bathroom experience is definitely unique, in that the glass door changes to opaque once closed/locked...and its exhilarating because you aren't truly sure if people on the outside can see you doing the dirty in there lol. Prada top, RAG & BONE jeans, Wang sandals, vintage cuff. Photobucket Lanvin store front on 5th Ave. ny3 I think I was infatuated with all the murals in NY. This was taken in Harlem near the Apollo Theater. Photobucket

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